Struggling With Acne?

By Lisa Massimiano,
Licensed Esthetician and Certified Acne Specialist
If you have been diagnosed with acne and haven’t been satisfied with drug store products or the suggested treatment from your doctor, consider seeing an Acne Specialist.
What is an Acne Specialist?
An Acne Specialist is a licensed skin care professional who is specially trained to treat acne using a combination of clinical treatments, home care protocols and regular follow-up during the process of clearing acne prone skin.
Most physicians don’t have the time to spend educating patients on the root cause of their acne. They often prescribe oral antibiotics and strong topical retinoids that can leave skin dry, red and irritated. Patients get frustrated with these side effects and stop using the products.
How an Acne Specialist Can Help You.
An Acne Specialist will assess your individual skin type, and the type of acne you have, to develop a plan of action specifically for you. They will take the time to teach you about the root cause of acne and provide information on lifestyle, diet, medications, and ingredients in makeup and skin care products that exacerbate acne. They help you to get your skin clear and teach you how to keep your acne under control.
For people struggling with acne, it can be frustrating to try and communicate with their doctor on a timely basis. My clients tell me that the best part of working with an Acne Specialist is that we are there for them to answer their questions and provide support while they go through the process of getting their skin clear.
Questions about acne? Email Lisa Massimiano, owner Skin Smart Salon and Acne Clinic at [email protected] or call 508 881-1180. Visit the website for information about Skin Smart’s acne program and other services.
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