Wanted: Treble Voice Singers

The A Cappella Singers, based in Natick, sings both accompanied and a cappella music.
We welcome prospective new members in all parts (Soprano I and II, Alto I and II) who have prior choral experience and/or can read music to join us.
We will be holding open rehearsals at Fisk Memorial United Methodist Church, 106 Walnut St., Natick, on Jan. 15, 22 and 29 at 7 p.m.
The A Cappella Singers was formed in 1963 as part of the Natick Newcomer’s Club and consists of members from many towns and many walks of life, all with a common love of vocal music. We are a dues-paying, nonprofit organization.
At this time, proof of Covid vaccinations is required and whether or not to wear masks is reviewed regularly. You can check our FaceBook page or our website - www.theacappellasingers.org; contact us at [email protected]; or call 774-231-1963.