A Cappella Singers Spring Concert

The A Cappella Singers, a MetroWest women’s chorus, is holding its annual Spring Concert on Saturday, May 6, at 7:30 p.m., at the Fisk Memorial United Methodist Church, 106 Walnut St., Natick.
The chorus was formed over 50 years ago and is directed by George Sargeant. The program is a secular and sacred mix, including Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen, Deep in a Dream by Gabriel Faure St eppin’ Out with my Baby by Irving Berlin, and ends with a sing-a-long.
There will be a reception following the concert.
Tickets are $18 in advance or $20 at the door, and $15 for students and seniors, and will be available from members or at the concert.
For more information or to reserve tickets, go to www.theacappellasingers.org, or contact us at [email protected], or call Betty Hood at 781-444-5963.
New members will be accepted in September.