Small Business, Community Discussion March 8

If you are a women-owned business you’re invited to join us for a time of connection on March 8 from 10-11 am. Register for this FREE time of connection and conversation.
We are honored to have Coach Derith Cass as our featured speaker with “3 Shifts to Create Change and Build Community”!
Join us as we also talk about community and resources for small businesses in Natick Center with Erin Lynch from the Metrowest Visitors Bureau and also Rachel Vingsness from the Natick Service Council.
Derith Cass, aka Coach D., is a powerful presenter, mindset shifter, habit change specialist, women’s wellness coach, and a lover of the human connection. Her work centers around banding women together as a fierce tribe and transforming perspectives of what is possible so we can fully step into the life that is waiting for us.
Through Coach D’s presentations, women’s retreats, habit coaching programs (both group and individual), and fitness classes, countless stories have emerged about women breaking through what’s been holding them back by embracing lasting change, choosing to show up for themselves, getting back up when they fall, and celebrating the palpable power of community.
Her motto is: “All women. All ages. All stories. All destinations.”
This is what she built FIERCE by Choice, LLC (her passion-project-turned-business) on and the root of everything she teaches.
Living FIERCE is choosing to start where you are in this moment, creating the path that best fits you, and pushing yourself past where you thought you could go!
For over 20 years, Coach D. has shared her passion for empowering women to fiercely love the skin they’re in. From young girls to grandmothers and every age in between, Coach D. teaches you how to tap into that deep inner wisdom we all have, the place where all the answers are, so you have the tools to architect a life you love!