Agent Nina Sable expertly guides homeowners through transitions

By Linda Chuss
Contributing Writer

Committed. Patient. Knowledgeable. Responsive. These are traits that Nina Sable’s real estate clients appreciate about her. Helping people buy and sell homes in the greater Natick area for over seven years, Sable draws upon her wide range of experience and her established contacts, from brokers to builders. Her deep industry knowledge along with dedication to her clients earned Sable the President’s Circle award for top agents nationwide. She has many repeat clients who seek her services even when they move outside the area. “People I’ve worked with in Natick have asked me to find their next home in places like Palmer or Cape Cod,” said Sable. “Some are moving further west for the home they want at their price point.” As one client shared, “Nina took exceptional care when helping us prepare our home for the market. Her industry insight assisted us in this significant transition to our new home.”
In a changing market like the current one, Sable’s experience allows her to reassure sellers and buyers who are hesitant to make decisions. She believes sellers listing now have a good opportunity to stand out: because jittery owners are holding back from listing their homes to wait for the spring bump in demand, there are fewer homes for sale. Regardless of the market situation, Sable directs any potential seller to plan for their next home before putting their existing house on the market, including getting preapproved for a new mortgage if needed. She also cautions: “Don’t rely on selling at the price you see in instant, online estimates—ultimately, the sales price will need to match the appraised value that is determined by the buyer’s mortgage lender.”
Sable is known for working well with older populations, which she partially attributes to her prior employment in the elder care field. She has the knowledge to counsel people transitioning from their homes into communities for those 55 years of age and up. When long-time owners prepare to sell, they often find their homes need updates. Sable advises which improvements are worth doing, or if selling “as is” to a renovator would be a better approach. She explains reverse mortgage options and provides extras, like getting an inspection for an owner who has already moved out. Her patience helps not only the older owners who are facing major changes, but also their families, who are typically involved in the decisions.
“A number of people who are downsizing want to move to the Cape. I show them communities there that offer the services they need,” Sable said. Helping area residents find a home on Upper Cape Cod, including Plymouth and Wareham, has become another of her specialties. Sable owns a home in Falmouth and knows that area as well as she knows Natick. She is excited to have recently joined William Raveis, in part because the firm provides opportunities for her to serve both regions.
Even beyond real estate, Sable is active with the senior community. She leads a team that participates in an annual walk to raise funds in the fight to end Alzheimer’s. At first, she walked in honor of her mother. Then, as she discovered neighbors who had family members suffering from the disease, Sable formed the group, “Friends of Robert Road.”
Just as with the walking team, Sable believes when people help each other in the real estate arena, it leads to a better result. Her clients share what they need, Sable listens and guides them based on her experience, and directs them to resources from the network of contacts she’s built over the years. “It’s all about relationships,” is how Sable sums it up.
You can reach Nina Sable at (508) 733-8935 | [email protected].