Wanted – Treble Voice Singers

The A Cappella Singers, based in Natick, sings both accompanied and a cappella music. We welcome prospective new members in all parts (Soprano I and II, Alto I and II) who have prior choral experience and/or can read music to join us. We particularly need Sopranos. We will be holding open rehearsals at Fisk Memorial United Methodist Church, 106 Walnut Street, Natick, on September 12, 19 and 26 at 7 p.m. Our next concert is on Saturday, December 3, 2022.
The A Cappella Singers was formed in 1963 as part of the Natick Newcomer’s Club and consists of members from many towns and many walks of life, all with a common love of vocal music. We are a dues-paying, non-profit organization.
At this time, proof of vaccinations and masks are required to join us. We hope to be able to dispense with the masks for our concert! To find out the latest information, please check our FaceBook page or our website - www.theacappellasingers.org; contact us at [email protected]; or call 774-231-1963 or 781-444-5963 (Membership, Betty Hood).