Celebrate Women Entrepreneurs On International Women’s Day

WE Natick! WE stands for
(W)omen (E)ntrepreneurs.
Join us on the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 8, as we meet virtually if you are a women-owned business or artist (men are welcome) please join us for a time of connection on March 8, at 10 am.
The theme will be “Collaboration” with other women business owners and some tips on how to begin the process if it’s new to you and the benefits to it. We’ll be joined by Sara Sniderman from Sara Sniderman photography, Gina Fay from Dance Fit Studio, and local music star Stacey Peasley! We’ll also share information on Certification for Women-Owned Businesses with Kristen Brandt.
Please make sure you Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/women-entrepreneurs-love-natick-tickets-256080442497
You can also find the information and link on our calendar of events at natickcenter.org.