Put Yourself at the Top of Your To-Do List:
Mar 02, 2021 03:09PM ● By Cynthia Whitty
Michelle Mercier, host of the podcast “The Resilient Entrepreneur,” will be a guest speaker on March 8. (Photo/supplied)
WE (Women Entrepreneurs) Love Natick Premiere Event, March 8
Women business owners are invited to a premiere event of WE (Women Entrepreneurs) Love Natick on Monday, March 8, 10 to 11:30 a.m. This virtual event, sponsored by the Natick Center Cultural District (NCCD), takes place on International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.
The program will include special guest, business strategy coach Michelle Mercier, host of the popular podcast “The Resilient Entrepreneur,” and other women businesses owners from Natick who will share their stories.
Mercier’s presentation, “Putting Yourself at the Top of the ‘To Do’ List,” explores women as caretakers, schedule makers, and a lot of times, the glue that holds everything together. Those responsibilities usually come with a mile-long ‘to-do list, especially for women running businesses.
Mercier’s talk will inspire and empower women to recognize when they need a “worthiness boost;” understand the connection between worthiness and running a successful business; and create a self-care routine.
“This is a ‘We Love Natick’ premier event. We hope to hold an event like this for women at least twice a year, if there is interest,” Athena Pandolf, NCCD executive director, said. “The purpose of these events is to support and encourage women business owners. We want to foster collaborative relationships, as well as bring women information that will help them succeed and grow.”
“We realized we had a lot of women-owned businesses,” Pandolf added. “There are 54 women business owners who are members of NCCD, with the majority of those in Natick Center. You could double or triple that for all of Natick. These businesses include artisans, crafters, and makers.”
To register for the March 8 program, visit www.natickcenter.org/event/we-women-entrepreneurs-love-natick/ or email [email protected].