2021 Dog Licenses are Now Available
All dogs 6 months of age or older must be licensed with the Town Clerk’s Office (MGL Chapter 137). Licenses must be renewed annually by March 1, failure to do so will result in a $50 late fee. Failure to license a dog shall be punishable by a fine of $100 (Town of Natick By-Laws, Article #50, Sec. 16-7).
2021 Information
Please note that due to COVID-19, Town Hall is not open to the public. The Town Clerk’s office will be processing 2021 dog licenses.
Dog license applications were mailed to all current dog owners.
You can register
your dog by:
Going on line at the following link: https://www.doglicenses.us/MA/Natick/
Mailing in the application, current rabies information, payment and a self-addressed stamped envelope
You may also drop off the application and current rabies information, payment and a self-addressed stamped envelope in the payment drop box to the right of the front door of Town Hall. The license will be processed and a 2021 dog tag will be mailed to you.
Dog License
Fee Exemption
The license fee is waived for residents over age 70 and for service dogs. Those licenses may not be renewed using the on-line option. To have the fee waived (over age 70) you must provide proof of age. If you are unable to come into the office you may send a copy of your license or call the office and talk to a member of the staff (508) 647-6430