Programs with Natick Community-Senior Center
History Bookgroup – Zoom session
Thursday, October 8, 3:30-4:30 pm, free, email [email protected] to rsvp
Join us for this casual discussion with a different book each month either historical fiction or non-fiction led by Maria King, Bacon Free Library and Nikki Lefebvre, Natick Historical Society. The book title for this one is Killers of the Flower Moon: the Osage Murders and the birth of the FBI (NF) / David Grann. Please email [email protected] to get the link.
The Contest: A Short History of American Presidential Elections - Zoom program
With historian Paolo DiGregorio
Thursday, October 8, 3:30-4:30 pm, free, rsvp to [email protected] to receive the link.
Every four years, we get to elect a president. Yet, the electoral process is rarely smooth and without controversy. This talk will examine some of the more exciting presidential contests. Sponsored by Whitney Place, Assisted Living and Memory Care, Natick.
Volunteering on a Town of Natick Board or Commission- Zoom program
Wednesday, October 14, 3:00-3:30 pm, free, rsvp required to [email protected]
Join Frank Foss, town of Natick Moderator to find out how you can volunteer on a Town Board or Commission. Different types, skills set, where to find opportunities.
Finding Your Best Volunteer Fit- Zoom program
Wednesday, October 14, 3:30-4:00 pm, free, rsvp required to [email protected]
Join long-standing town resident, Jeanette Szretter as she helps you identify what might be the best volunteer fit for you.
Virtual Volunteer Fair- Zoom
Wednesday, October 14, 4:00-4:40 pm, free, rsvp required to [email protected]
Meet with Non-Profits in Natick to see how you can give back to your community!
RSVP to [email protected] to receive Zoom links and talk to representatives from various Natick organizations and also a listing of descriptions of volunteer opportunities. You will automatically be entered to win a gift certificate to Casey’s Diner, Dolphin, Lola’s, Posies, Sassamon Trace Golf and Zaftig’s Deli after your meeting!
COA Book Group with Karen Mallozzi- Zoom program
Friday, October 16, 1:00-2:00 pm, free, rsvp required to [email protected]
Join in the group! For book lovers who like mystery and fiction this is for you. We meet every other month and our first book for discussion is The Holdout by Graham Moore, described by GoodReads, as a compulsive and enthralling novel, based in Los Angeles, that points out many of the shortfalls of the justice system. This is a page turner. Volunteer Host Karen Mallozzi will give some background about the author and then kick off the discussion.
Fashion and the First Lady- Zoom Program
Tuesday, October 20, 1:30- 2:30 pm, free, rsvp required to [email protected]
During the course of history, the First Ladies of America have been watched, admired, copied, sometimes criticized, and followed for their fashion and style. Join us for a look at the clothing and accessories worn by our presidents’ wives, as we journey through time from our earliest first lady to our former president’s wife, Michelle Obama. We will examine the ladies who changed the course of fashion as well as those who had little or no effect whatsoever. Our presenter is Karen (Ren) Antonowicz, who has a Master’s Degree in Textiles, Fashion Merchandising and Design, with a concentration in Historic Costume & Textiles from the University of RI. Join us as we vote for our favorite outfits.
An Intro to Ayurveda Practice – Zoom session
Thursday, October 22, 11:00am-noon, free, rsvp required to [email protected]
An introductory talk on holistic wellness and harmonious living. Presented by Anjana Bhargava, an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor.
Ayurveda, the science of life and longevity is the holistic alternative science from India. It is more than 5000 years old. Goal for this talk is to provide basic information about this science and start you on your path to healing and well-being.
Basis Estate Planning- Zoom session
Tuesday, October 27, 1:30-2:30, free, RSVP by emailing [email protected] to receive the link.
Join Elder Law Attorney Tim Loff to look at how to protect yourself and help your loved ones too. Topics include: Wills, Trusts, Health Care Proxies, Power of Attorney, Living Wills, Medical Privacy Forms, Burial Directives and Covid19 updates. Will have hand-outs (e-mailed to you) and Q & A.
Mondays at a Museum, rsvp required to [email protected]
Join us every Monday as we preview video highlights from a range of Museums.
--Monday, October 5, 11am-noon, free
The Frick Museum has been offering this fun series during COVID times, Cocktails with a Curator, featuring a 20-minute video highlight from their museum collection with narration from the museum curator along with a cocktail pairing. This session we will stream 3 of these offerings: Holbein’s Sir Thomas More, Gainsborough’s Grace Dalyrmple Eliot, Constable’s White Horse.
--Monday, October 19, 11am-noon, free
The MET Museum has many online art lectures, today we look at the Insider Insights—A Closer Look at Winslow Homer, Join Met curators in exploring the work of American painter Winslow Homer (1836–1910), whose fascination with conflict permeates his work and reveals his lifelong concerns with race, nature, and the environment. Homer’s art—the focus of a major Met exhibition in 2022—addresses complex social and political issues of his era, which continue to resonate today. And also, Selections from the Department of Drawings and Prints: Collectors’ Collections.
--Monday, October 26, 11am-noon, free
Lectures from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston- What Makes a Caravaggio
Mindfulness Meditation with Sharon every Thursday, 1:00-1:40 pm, free. This meditation is audio only and participants are muted during the meditation portion. Everyone is welcome to join for some guided, some quiet and some reflection with Q & A and sharing. rsvp required to [email protected]